Advertising Specialties

They are also fun and creative. Advertising specialties like coffee mugs, pens, keychains, and bottle openers can be used in all manner of clever ways. Incorporating a memorable slogan, or something funny, can make your promotional gift a real keeper. As I write these words, I’m using a coffee mug I received from a towing company 12 years ago. The picture of a sick car makes me laugh.
You can use specialty items as handouts at trade shows and conventions, include them in direct mail campaigns, offer them as holiday presents, door prizes, special-event giveaways, and thank–yous. You can even distribute them to your staff to show your appreciation for their hard work. The possibilities are endless, and we’ve got all kinds of advertising specialties, along with some winning ideas, too. Contact us for more information.
Tips for Promotional Products:
- Use specialty items as handouts at trade shows and conventions.
- Include them in direct mail campaigns.
- Offer them as holiday presents, door prizes, special-event giveaways, and thank-yous.
- Distribute them to your staff to show your appreciation for their hard work.